Madison General Insurance Company Zambia Limited (MGen) launched the “MGen on my WhatsApp” feature on the 14th of June 2022. Technology has been a vehicle that MGen has embraced in the recent past, ensuring that all services such as underwriting, claim processing, dunning communication, salvage bidding, and filing are fully automated in order to offer second to none client service delivery and satisfaction.

MGen has continued to seek easier and less expensive ways of increased access to insurance services, therefore, “MGen on my WhatsApp” was launched on the 14th of June 2022. The feature enables a user to access MGen services that include: Get a quotation, validate motor insurance certificate, Renew Motor insurance, Pay for Insurance (Mobile money – Airtel & MTN), Report a claim and get details of how to make a claim, check claim status, Chat with MGen staff, Submit complaints, Availed contact details of our branches and locations. All the services can be accessed on standard WhatsApp by simply saving the MGen number, 0971172551 or by visiting the company’s social media pages.

At the media launch graced by the Honourable Minister of Technology and Science, Mr. Felix Mutati. Both the MGen Managing Director, Mr. Chabala Lumbwe and the Minister emphasized the use of technology to maintain data integrity and achieve efficiency and customer satisfaction through integrated systems.

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